Oncology Nurse Navigation
Delivering the highest quality healthcare to our patients is something we take very seriously. That’s why we provide newly diagnosed cancer patients with prompt access to the treatment plan that best fits their individual needs. The oncology nurse navigators are an experienced clinical resource to help patients navigate every aspect of their treatment throughout its duration.
Services Provided
- Support for patients and families throughout diagnosis and treatment.
- Serve as liaisons to referring physicians.
- Assist with scheduling initial tests and consultations.
- Collaborate with members of the medical team.
- Connect patients with available community resources.
- Help patients and their family members understand their diagnosis and plan of care.
Nurse Navigators
Allison Osborne, GU/hememalignancy cancers, (509) 663-8711 ext. 7197
Ivy Delaney, lung/melanoma cancers, (509) 663-8711 ext. 7402
Kara Yocum
Kim Hinson, breast/sarcoma/unknown primary cancers, (509) 663-8711 ext. 5894
Laura Gaukroger-Holland
Mollee McCoy, Omak Clinic
Trish McKee, Moses Lake Clinic
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